Old HSK word(s):

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Hsk Characters: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 怀 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + evil, wicked, bad, foul 心, 忄 Heart 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) 【◎Fix:◎e4;◎wu4】 +
+ + + to laugh at to pity / afflicted, sad 心, 忄 Heart 里 (DORF) 【◎Fix:◎kui1;◎li3】 +
+ + + silent, quiet, still / anxious 心, 忄 Heart 肖 (ÄHNELN) 【◎Fix:◎qiao1;◎qiao3】 +
+ + + quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful 心, 忄 Heart 公 (ÖFFENTLICH) 【◎Fix:◎song1;◎zhong1】 +
+ + + excessive / too / very-usually of objectionable things / to err / to mistake / changeable 心, 忄 Heart 【◎Fix:◎te4;◎tei1;◎tui1】 +
+ + + vexed, worried, nervous / regret 心, 忄 Heart ao4 +
+ + + sorrow, grief / sorry, sad 心, 忄 Heart 非 (FEHLER) bei1 +
+ + + be contradictory to, go counter 心, 忄 Heart 孛 (KOMET) bei4 +
+ + + tired, weary, fatigued 心, 忄 Heart 备 (HABEN) bei4 +
+ + + surely, most certainly / must 心, 忄 丿 Heart 丿 (PIE3) bi4 +
+ + + obstinate, stubborn, headstrong 心, 忄 Heart 复 (DOPPELT) bi4 +
+ + + delighted / pleased 心, 忄 Heart 卞 (UNGEDULDIG) bian4 +
+ + + to suppress inner feelings / hasty 心, 忄 Heart 敝 (ABGENUTZT-) bie1 +
+ + + terror, fear / frighten / terrified 心, 忄 Heart 布 (TUCH) bu4 +
+ + + ashamed, humiliated / shameful 心, 忄 Heart 斩 (ABHACKEN) can2 +
+ + + sad, pitiful, wretched / cruel 心, 忄 Heart 参 (TEILNEHMEN) can3 +
+ + + feel anguish, feel compassion 心, 忄 Heart 则 (REGEL) ce4 +
+ + + regret, repent / confess sins 心, 忄 Heart 千 (TAUSEND) chan4 +
+ + + alarmed, agitated 心, 忄 Heart 尚 (HOCHACHTUNG) chang3 +
+ + + disappointed, dissatisfied 心, 忄 Heart 长 (LANG) chang4 +
+ + + 心, 忄 Heart 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) chao1 +
+ + + truth, sincerity / sincere 心, 忄 Heart chen2 +
+ + + punish, reprimand / warn 心, 忄 Heart 证 (EINDRINGEN) cheng2 +
+ + + irresolute, indecisive / yearn for 心, 忄 Heart 童 (KINDER) chong1 +
+ + + a sad, uneasy countenance 心, 忄 Heart 中 (MITTE) chong1 +
+ + + anxiety / to worry about, be anxious 心, 忄 Heart 秋 (HERBST) chou2 +
+ + + distressed, regretful, sad 心, 忄 Heart 周 (UMKREIS) chou2 +
+ + + fear, be afraid / shy, timid 心, 忄 Heart 术 (KUNST) chu4 +
+ + + painful / suffering / privation 心, 忄 Heart 楚 (KLAR/LEIDEN) chu4 +
+ + + sad, broken-hearted, disconsolate 心, 忄 Heart 仓 (SPEICHER) chuang4 +
+ + + kind, charitable, benevolent 心, 忄 Heart 兹 (NUN) ci2 +
+ + + suffer, become emaciated, haggard 心, 忄 Heart 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) cui4 +
+ + + guess, suppose, conjecture 心, 忄 Heart 寸 (INCH) cun3 +
+ + + grieved, saddened / worried 心, 忄 Heart 旦 (TAGESANBRUCH) da2 +
+ + + idle, remiss, negligent / neglect 心, 忄 Heart 台 (PLATTFORM) dai4 +
+ + + dread, shrink from, shirk, fear 心, 忄 Heart 单 (EINZELN) dan4 +
+ + + grieved / distressed in mind 心, 忄 Heart 刀 (MESSER) dao1 +
+ + + grieve, mourn, lament / grieved 心, 忄 Heart 卓 (TISCH) dao4 +
+ + + think of, remember, miss 心, 忄 Heart 店 (GESCHÄFT) dian4 +
+ + + understand, comprehend 心, 忄 Heart 董 (DIREKTOR) dong3 +
+ + + in pain, sorrowful 心, 忄 Heart 同 (IDENTISCH) dong4 +
+ + + hate, abhor / hatred, resentment 心, 忄 Heart 对 (KORREKT) dui4 +
+ + + to dislike, to abhor, to hate 心, 忄 Heart 敦 (EHRLICH_DUNHUANG) dui4 +
+ + + indolent, careless, lazy, idle 心, 忄 Heart 惰 (LINKS_FLEISCH) duo4 +
+ + + startled, alarmed, astonished 心, 忄 Heart 谔 (SCHOCKIEREND) e4 +
+ + + kindness, mercy, charity 心, 忄 Heart 恩 (FREUNDLICHKEIT) en1 +
+ + + to be desirous of speaking 心, 忄 Heart 非 (FEHLER) fei3 +
忿 + 忿 + + get angry / fury, exasperation 心, 忄 Heart 分 (TRENNEN) fen4 +
+ + + resent, hate / indignant 心, 忄 Heart 贲 (SCHÖN_GESCHMÜCKT) fen4 +
+ + + sorry, anxious / depressed 心, 忄 Heart 弗 (NON) fu2 +
+ + + feel, perceive, emotion 心, 忄 Heart 咸 (SALZIG) gan3 +
+ + + respectful, polite, reverent 心, 忄 Heart 共 (GEMEINSAM) gong1 +
+ + + strange, unusual, peculiar 心, 忄 Heart 圣 (HEILIG) guai4 +
+ + + habit, custom / habitually, usual 心, 忄 Heart 贯 (DURCH_ETWAS_HINDURCH) guan4 +
+ + + foolish, silly, coquettish 心, 忄 Heart 敢 (MUTIG) han1 +
+ + + courageous, brave / violent 心, 忄 Heart 旱 (TROCKENHEIT) han4 +
+ + + to regret, remorse / dissatisfied 心, 忄 Heart 感 (GEFÜHL) han4 +
+ + + hatred, dislike / resent, hate 心, 忄 Heart 艮 (STILLHALTEN) hen4 +
+ + + constant, regular, persistent 心, 忄 Heart 亘 (SICH_ERSTRECKEN) heng2 +
+ + + suddenly, abruptly / neglect 心, 忄 Heart 勿 (BITTE_NICHT) hu1 +
+ + + absent-minded, confused 心, 忄 Heart hu1 +
+ + + rely on, presume on / persist in 心, 忄 Heart 古 (ALTERTUM) hu4 +
怀 + + + bosom, breast / carry in bosom 心, 忄 Heart 不 (NICHT) huai2 +
+ + + suffer, worry about / suffering 心, 忄 Heart 患 (SICH_SORGEN) huan4 +
+ + + nervous, panicky, frantic 心, 忄 Heart 荒 (ÖDE) huang1 +
+ + + fearful, afraid, anxious, nervous 心, 忄 Heart 皇 (KAISER) huang2 +
+ + + seemingly / absent-minded 心, 忄 Heart 光 (LICHT) huang3 +
+ + + restore / big, great, immense, vast 心, 忄 Heart 灰 (ASCHE) hui1 +
+ + + repent, show remorse, regret 心, 忄 Heart 每 (JEDER) hui3 +
+ + + favor, benefit, confer kindness 心, 忄 Heart 惠 (GUNST) hui4 +
+ + + anger, rage 心, 忄 Heart 圭 (JADETABLETT) hui4 +
+ + + bright, intelligent / intelligence 心, 忄 Heart 彗 (BESEN_KOMET) hui4 +
+ + + confuse, mislead, baffle / doubt 心, 忄 Heart 或 (ODER) huo4 +
+ + + quick, quickly / urgent, pressing 心, 忄 Heart 急 (DRINGEND) ji2 +
+ + + fearful, apprehensive, perturbed 心, 忄 Heart ji4 +
+ + + jealous, envious / fear 心, 忄 Heart 忌 (EIFERSÜCHTIG) ji4 +
+ + + carefree / indifferent manner / without sorrow 心, 忄 Heart 恝 (GLEICHGÜLTIG) jia2 +
+ + + frighten, surprise, startle 心, 忄 Heart 京 (HAUPTSTADT) jing1 +
+ + + rouse, awaken / become conscious 心, 忄 Heart 景 (SZENE) jing3 +
+ + + fear, be afraid of, dread 心, 忄 Heart 具 (GEBRAUCHSGEGENSTAND) ju4 +
+ + + sigh, regret / generous 心, 忄 Heart 既 (SCHON) kai3 +
+ + + enjoy, be contented, joyful 心, 忄 Heart 岂 (WIE_WAS) kai3 +
+ + + anger, wrath, hatred, enmity 心, 忄 Heart kai4 +
+ + + ardent / generous, magnanimous 心, 忄 Heart 康 (UNTERGEORDNET) kang1 +
+ + + respectful, reverent 心, 忄 Heart ke4 +
+ + + sincere, earnest, cordial 心, 忄 Heart 艮 (STILLHALTEN) ken3 +
+ + + fear / fearful, apprehensive 心, 忄 Heart 巩 (KONSOLIDIEREN) kong3 +
+ + + rapid, quick, speedy, fast / soon 心, 忄 Heart 快 (DURCHBRUCH) kuai4 +
+ + + ashamed, conscience-stricken 心, 忄 Heart 鬼 (GEIST) kui4 +
+ + + confused, troubled, muddle-headed 心, 忄 Heart 贵 (TEUER) kui4 +
+ + + sincere, genuine, honest, loyal 心, 忄 Heart 困 kun3 +
+ + + lazy, languid, listless 心, 忄 Heart 赖 (VERLASSEN_AUF) lan3 +
+ + + be in a daze 心, 忄 Heart 塄 (ERHÖHTES_FELD) leng4 +
+ + + pity, sympathize 心, 忄 Heart 令 (BEFEHL) lian2 +
+ + + love / long for, yearn for / love 心, 忄 Heart 变 (SORTIEREN) lian4 +
+ + + be afraid of, to be in awe of 心, 忄 Heart 禀 (BERICHT_ERSTATTEN) lin3 +
+ + + slow(ly), leisurely, sluggish 心, 忄 Heart 曼 (LANGGESTRECKT) man4 +
+ + + busy, pressed for time / hustling 心, 忄 Heart 亡 (FLIEHEN) mang2 +
+ + + splendid, grand, majestic 心, 忄 Heart 矛 (SPEER_LANZE) mao4 +
+ + + be sick at heart, sorrowful, sad 心, 忄 Heart 瞒 (AF_GLEICHGEWICHT) men4 +
+ + + stupid, ignorant, dull 心, 忄 Heart 瞢 (BLINZELN) meng3 +
+ + + pity, sympathize with, grieve for 心, 忄 Heart 闵 (ÄRGER) min3 +
+ + + pity, sympathize with 心, 忄 Heart 民 min3 +
+ + + long for, desire / admire 心, 忄 Heart 莫 (KEINER) mu4 +
+ + + angered, filled with hate 心, 忄 Heart 垴 (AF_GEHIRN) nao3 +
+ + + that, like this, thus, so, such 心, 忄 Heart 任 (ERNENNEN) nen4 +
+ + + shy, timid, bashful / look ashamed 心, 忄 Heart ni2 +
+ + + think of, recall, study 心, 忄 Heart 念 (ERINNERN) nian4 +
+ + + honorific for 'you' 心, 忄 Heart 你 (DU) nin2 +
+ + + blush, be bashful, be ashamed 心, 忄 Heart 丑 (HÄSSLICH) niu3 +
+ + + anger, rage, passion / angry 心, 忄 Heart 奴 (SKLAVE) nu4 +
+ + + weak, timid, cowardly 心, 忄 Heart 需 (BRAUCHEN) nuo4 +
+ + + 心, 忄 Heart 而 (UND) nv4 +
+ + + annoyed 心, 忄 Heart 区 (REGION) ou4 +
+ + + to fear, be afraid of / apprehensive 心, 忄 Heart 白 (WEISS) pa4 +
+ + + eager, ardent, impulsive / anxious 心, 忄 Heart 平 (EBEN) peng1 +
+ + + rest, take rest 心, 忄 Heart 自 (SELBST) qi4 +
+ + + just, exactly, precisely / proper 心, 忄 Heart 合 (SCHLIESSEN) qia4 +
+ + + a fault, mistake, error, transgression 心, 忄 Heart 衍 (AUSBREITEN) qian1 +
+ + + miserly, parsimonious, stingy 心, 忄 Heart 坚 (HART) qian1 +
+ + + be worn-out, emaciated, haggard 心, 忄 Heart 焦 (VERBRANNT) qiao2 +
+ + + to change one's countenance, be anxious / to blush 心, 忄 Heart 秋 (HERBST) qiao3 +
+ + + to resent / contended / satisfied 心, 忄 Heart 兼 (DOPPELT) qie4 +
+ + + be satisfied, be comfortable 心, 忄 Heart qie4 +
+ + + lacking in courage, afraid 心, 忄 Heart 去 (GEHEN) qie4 +
+ + + feeling, sentiment, emotion 心, 忄 Heart 青 (GRÜN) qing2 +
+ + + repent, reform 心, 忄 Heart 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) quan1 +
+ + + sincerity, honesty / modest 心, 忄 Heart 壳 (GEHÄUSE) que4 +
+ + + irritate, vex, offend, incite 心, 忄 Heart 若 (WIE_ALS_OB) re3 +
+ + + endure, bear, suffer / forbear 心, 忄 Heart 刃 (KLINGE) ren3 +
+ + + afraid, scared, fearful 心, 忄 Heart 聂 (NIE4_flüstern) she4 +
+ + + act with care, be cautious 心, 忄 Heart 真 (WIRKLICH) shen4 +
+ + + rely on, presume on, trust to 心, 忄 Heart 寺 (TEMPEL) shi4 +
+ + + forgive, excuse, show mercy 心, 忄 Heart 如 (WIE) shu4 +
+ + + think, consider, ponder / final particle 心, 忄 Heart 思 (DENKEN) si1 +
+ + + afraid, scared, frightened 心, 忄 Heart 束 (BÜNDEL) song3 +
+ + + instigate, arouse, incite 心, 忄 Heart 从 (VON) song3 +
+ + + guileless, sincere, honest 心, 忄 Heart 素 (VEGETARIER) su4 +
+ + + manner, bearing, attitude 心, 忄 Heart 太 (ÄUSSERST) tai4 +
+ + + timorous / nervous 心, 忄 Heart 上 (OBEN) tan3 +
+ + + do evil in secret / evil, vice 心, 忄 Heart 匿 (VERSTECKEN) te4 +
+ + + fearful / nervous / timid 心, 忄 Heart 下 (UNTEN) te4 +
+ + + brotherly, respectful 心, 忄 Heart 弟 (JÜNGERER_BRUDER) ti4 +
+ + + be cautious, careful, alert 心, 忄 Heart 易 (LEICHT) ti4 +
+ + + quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful 心, 忄 Heart 舌 (ZUNGE) tian2 +
+ + + disgraced / ashamed / self-deprecating 心, 忄 Heart 忝 (ENTEHRT) tian3 +
+ + + sadness, grief / mourn / be moved 心, 忄 Heart 动 (BEWEGEN) tong4 +
+ + + regret, be sorry / alarmed 心, 忄 Heart 宛 (SCHEINEN_ALS_OB) wan3 +
+ + + disconcerted, dejected, discouraged 心, 忄 Heart 罔 (TÄUSCHEN) wang3 +
+ + + forget / neglect / miss, omit 心, 忄 Heart 亡 (FLIEHEN) wang4 +
+ + + but, however, nevertheless / only 心, 忄 Heart 难 (DENNOCH) wei2 +
+ + + comfort, console, calm 心, 忄 Heart 尉 (OFFIZIER) wei4 +
+ + + regretful, disappointed 心, 忄 Heart wu3 +
+ + + insubordinate, stubborn / wrong 心, 忄 Heart 午 (MITTAG) wu3 +
+ + + to apprehend, realize, become aware 心, 忄 Heart 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu4 +
+ + + rest, put stop to, end, cease 心, 忄 Heart 息 (RASTEN) xi1 +
+ + + know, learn about, comprehend 心, 忄 Heart 悉 (LERNEN) xi1 +
+ + + pity, regret, rue, begrudge 心, 忄 Heart 昔 (VERGANGENHEIT) xi1 +
+ + + think, speculate, plan, consider 心, 忄 Heart 相 (GEGENSEITIG) xiang3 +
+ + + idle, relaxed, remiss 心, 忄 Heart 解 xie4 +
+ + + heart / mind, intelligence / soul 心, 忄 Heart 心 (HERZ) xin1 +
+ + + delightful, joyful, pleasant 心, 忄 Heart 斤 (PFUND) xin1 +
+ + + intelligent, clever, astute 心, 忄 Heart 星 (STERN) xing1 +
+ + + anger, vexation / angry, indignant 心, 忄 Heart 幸 (GLÜCK) xing4 +
+ + + nature, character, sex 心, 忄 Heart 生 (GEBOREN_SEIN) xing4 +
+ + + show pity / relieve, help 心, 忄 Heart 血 (BLUT) xu4 +
+ + + hang, suspend, hoist / be hung 心, 忄 Heart 县 (KREIS(POLITISCH-GEOGRAPHISCH)) xuan2 +
+ + + careful, sincere, honest / trust 心, 忄 Heart 旬 (ZEHN_TAGE) xun2 +
+ + + feeble, sickly / tranquil, calm 心, 忄 Heart 厌 (VERABSCHEUEN) yan1 +
+ + + discontented, dispirited, sad 心, 忄 Heart yang4 +
+ + + illness, sickness / indisposition 心, 忄 Heart 姜 (INGWER) yang4 +
+ + + harmony / pleasure, joy / be glad 心, 忄 Heart 台 (PLATTFORM) yi2 +
+ + + virtuous, admirable, esteemed 心, 忄 Heart 壹 (KS_EINS) yi4 +
+ + + thought, idea, opinion / think 心, 忄 Heart 意 (GEDANKE) yi4 +
+ + + remember, reflect upon / memory 心, 忄 Heart 乙 (2.HS) yi4 +
+ + + enjoy, be glad, be pleased 心, 忄 Heart 译 (V_C_AUGE_ÜBER_VERBRECHER) yi4 +
+ + + sorrowful, depressed, unhappy 心, 忄 Heart 邑 (VOLLFORM von 阝 ) yi4 +
+ + + indolent, easy-going, lazy 心, 忄 Heart yong1 +
+ + + instigate, incite / to alarm 心, 忄 Heart 甬 (PFAD) yong3 +
+ + + sad, grieved / grief, melancholy 心, 忄 Heart 尤 (BESONDERS) you1 +
+ + + long, far, remote, distant / liesurely 心, 忄 Heart 攸 (WEIT_ENTFERNT) you1 +
+ + + pleasant, delightful / please 心, 忄 Heart 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu2 +
+ + + stupid, doltish, foolish 心, 忄 Heart 禺 (SPINNENAFFE) yu2 +
+ + + more and more, even more 心, 忄 Heart 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu4 +
+ + + sincere, honest, virtuous 心, 忄 Heart 原 (URSPRÜNGLICH) yuan4 +
+ + + hatred, enmity, resentment 心, 忄 Heart 苑 (ABEND_NACHT_V_SIEGEL ) yuan4 +
+ + + pleased, contented, gratified 心, 忄 Heart 兑 (UMTAUSCHEN) yue4 +
+ + + devise, plan, deliberate / consult 心, 忄 Heart 军 (ARMEE) yun4 +
+ + + angry 心, 忄 Heart 温 (HENKERSMAHL) yun4 +
+ + + what? why? how? 心, 忄 Heart 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zen3 +
+ + + hate, detest, abhor / hatred 心, 忄 Heart 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) zeng1 +
+ + + a disease resembling neurosis 心, 忄 Heart 正 (AUFRECHT) zheng4 +
+ + + stubborn / perverse / aggressive 心, 忄 Heart 支 (ZWEIG) zhi4 +
+ 【◎Fix:◎誌;◎志】 + + purpose, will, determination / annals 心, 忄 Heart 志 (ZWECK) zhi4 +
+ + + loyalty, devotion, fidelity 心, 忄 Heart 中 (MITTE) zhong1 +
+ + + stupid, simple, simple-minded 心, 忄 Heart 赣 (JIANGXI) zhuang4 +
+ + + afraid, apprehensive, nervous 心, 忄 揣/耑 Heart 揣/耑 (AF_EXTREM) zhui4 +
+ + + indulge oneself, unrestrained 心, 忄 Heart 次 (MAL) zi4 +
+ + + collect / overall, altogether 心, 忄 Heart 总 (ZUSAMMENFASSEN) zong3 +
+ + + to be ashamed 心, 忄 Heart 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) zuo4 +